The Therapeutic Value of Adult Dolls

Sex dolls are a growing trend among adults. They are a great way to experience the full range of sexual positions and techniques, and can be used alone or with a partner. Regardless of why you choose to use one, it’s important to take care of your sex doll to ensure the best results and a long lifespan. It’s recommended to use plenty of lubrication, avoid rough handling, and store your doll in a safe place when it’s not in use.

This full size sex doll aims to investigate the lived-experiences and therapeutic value of adult doll hobby in a small sample of self-selected participants who play with their ball-jointed dolls on a regular basis. Data will be collected through a combination of questionnaires including the Doll Episode and Interpretation Scale, the Aesthetic and Therapy Questionnaire, and the Reflection scale.

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The findings of this research indicate that the doll hobby is a form of self-expression and healing. It satisfies collectors’ desire to create a fantasy world with their dolls. In the process, they become attached to their dolls’ imagined characters and form a community based on shared illusory experiences. In this way, the dolls help them to overcome anxieties and cope with the demands of their day-to-day life. In addition, the illusory nature of these interactions provides an opportunity to meet emotional needs and to build social relationships. These benefits are derived from the reenactment of fantasies that are triggered by the dolls’ appearance and behavior.