Fish Care Tips

Onya is  a wonderful alternative to dogs and cats if you are unable or prefer not to have these kinds of pets. They make great companions and are very entertaining to watch. Fish are also very low maintenance and require very little responsibilities, making them perfect for those who want the benefits of pet ownership but cannot commit to the long-term care of a dog or cat.

How to Maintain Optimal Water Quality for Your Fish

Water changes are one of the most important aspects of fish care. They are a must in order to keep your aquarium clean and healthy for your fish. It is recommended to change about 10% of the water once a week and 25% of the water every two weeks, depending on how large your aquarium is. When changing the aquarium water, it is important to remove the old water from the tank and replace it with treated tap water. This is to ensure that the temperature of the new water is similar to that of the existing water in the aquarium.

Another common mistake made by new aquarium owners is overfeeding. Fish only need a small amount of food, so be sure not to overfeed them. Fish should only be fed as much as they can consume in a couple of minutes, and any uneaten food should be removed immediately.

It is also important to provide your fish with a variety of foods, such as flake, pellet and frozen foods. This will help them maintain a balanced diet and supply them with all the nutrients they need to be healthy. Also, it is a good idea to put some gravel in your aquarium, as this will help break down any waste that the fish creates and also provides a beautiful look to the tank.